A point to determinism
There is an advantage to leaning towards determinism slightly, not fully, after all, if it were, what's the point of doing anything - Oh, no, that's fatalism, not determinism!
There is a point. The point is, everything affects everything else.
Research is increasingly showing that we, the conscious part, is less in control than we believe, less free.
Most of our reasoning is post hoc and fits the event rather than being the cause.
There is no doubt that we are not separate entities from the environment around us and what you see the world is different from me, mostly and nearly entirely becasue of your placement in time and space and the experiences that has given you.
And, at this point, you are perfectly designed to react and act in the way you do to the present because of those things.
Choices matter. Whatever path you end up on next will affect how you see, feel and act/react to the things around you. It will affect others too. What you say and do matters.
Your experiences are layered on top of each other in an order and magnitude unique to you, there is no other combination of experiences like yours, like mine, like everyone you see around you.
This is amazing but also potentially quite lonely.
Don't think about it too much perhaps.