Videos and Animations
Here you'll find a selection of videos and animations that we have made or had made. Some of these form a specific part of a briefing, whilst others are just to capture something great and worth sharing.
Costain Skanska C360 SOS Briefing
We were so impressed with the Start of Shift Briefing by Lewis that we just had to capture it. He also gave our conversation cards a go and continues to use them to generate lots of great conversations.
Mr Do
We made this animation as part of the BAM Ireland, interactive briefing. It gives a short explanation around behaviour and the environment.
It is also used to start a discussion with those who attend the briefing about the importance of setting up the environment to make it more likely that the correct tools and equipment is used.
A talk Bob did
This is a wee talk Bob did for Dr John Austin at his conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Dr John is a good friend of SODAK and we often go over and visit him to explore new ideas, help with some work, speak at his conferences and have the occasional beer.