Nurture Effect
The simple idea that Nurture behaviours could be a solution to the problems of this world, backed up through his research at the Oregon Research Institute.
The simple idea that Nurture behaviours could be a solution to the problems of this world, backed up through his research at the Oregon Research Institute.
Alcohol: it’s cultural, it’s celebrated, it’s aspired to, but it is still a poison.
Headless and Mindful. A guide to Zen Buddhism written by one who truly wishes to share the treasure they have found
Don’t get too comfortable if you want to be comfortable in your 80s. Be hungry, feel the cold, work out. Aging is a disease and Sinclair claims that it can be cured and even reversed.
As balanced a book on booze as one could expect from a neuropsychopharmacologist who owns a wine bar.
How to unpick the structural racism when your are unwittingly part of it – start in the history books. Eddo-Lodge shares her own investigations into Black History in Britain and how it lead to her viral blog post of the same title.
Highlights an under used tool – from the first page your breath and behaviour will change.
An encyclopedia of ways to optimise mind and body, and useful starting point for your own investigation.
Stress will kill you, but Sapolsky will make you laugh while you’re at it.
Full of practical hacks to automate work, leaving you with life to live.