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Workshop – 4th & 5th June 2019
Coaching – 6th June 2019 Edinburgh, Scotland
A single serious injury has a starting price of £8,400.*
In a recent review of incident investigations 80% blamed the worker.
“Saying what people failed to do has no role in understanding human error.”
– Sidney Dekker.
Research shows that our behaviour is fundamentally driven by the environment. A substantial reduction in injuries can be achieved by applying behavioural science to incident investigations.
*Health and Safety Executive
Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th June 2019
14 Delegates
Behavioural Incident Analysis is a technique developed by Sodak built on the principles of behavioural and evolutionary science, and design thinking to enable a better understanding of human behaviour and the environments where the behaviour occurs.
Over two days you will learn techniques that will allow you to better understand why incidents occur. We will help you design environments that promote safer and healthier work practices by applying the principles of Behavioural Science, Nudge Theory and Behavioural Insights.
We will explore the impact of:
- The science of human behaviour
- Why we do what we do
- Why we don’t do what we should do
- How to discourage behaviours that we don’t want
- How we can encourage the behaviours we do want
- How to relate this to incident investigations
- How to facilitate a behavioural analysis and design
This workshop will be held at The Risk Factory, Edinburgh and will include the use of their immersive purpose built facility.
You will leave with the ability and tools enabling you to facilitate an interactive Behavioural Incident Analysis that will help others in your organisation understand more about the human behaviour aspects of injury and incident cause.
Thursday 6th June 2019
6 places only
This day is in addition to the two-day workshop. It is designed to allow us to work much more closely with you and to use the Behavioural Incident Analysis Techniques you’ve learned on real incidents from your workplace.
If you intend to attend this day, you will need to bring an injury or incident investigation report for us to work on with you.
We will help you develop a plan to prevent reoccurrence as well as outline a strategy to use the BIA techniques as part of your organisation’s process for learning from incidents and injuries.
Because this is a more hands-on day, space is limited to 6 people.
This workshop is for those who manage people and environments or investigate incidents or injuries and have a hunch that there is something missing from the way we currently learn from these amazing opportunities.
If you see an incident as an opportunity to learn and grow stronger and really want to make a difference, then this workshop is for you.
“I’ve recently been using what we’ve learnt following an injury that occurred on site. It’s been interesting because we discussed the issue and came up with a plan some time ago and on reflection we got it wrong. We hadn’t pinpointed what triggered the behaviour. We hadn’t looked at the environment. We did all the usual stuff and it was not getting the desired results.” David Faulds – Manager, Carey Group PLC.
429 per day
14 Places
Learn – Tuesday 4th June
- A background to behavioural and evolutionary science and why they can help us understand behaviours, attitudes and incidents.
- An introduction to the techniques used to analyse behaviours and incidents.
- An introduction to, and understanding of the paradox of at-risk behaviours.
- An introduction to design thinking and how this can be used to help prevent reoccurrence of incidents.
- The Behavioural Incident Analysis Toolkit.
- Immersive scenario analysis
Practice – Wednesday 5th June
- Analyse case study incidents, identifying situational and cultural causation factors.
- Predicting at-risk behaviours through an environmental assessment.
- Identify the triggers and reinforcing consequences leading to at-risk behaviours.
- Identify and propose actions to remove or discourage at-risk behaviours.
- Identify and propose actions to promote alternative safer and healthier behaviours.
- Immersive scenario analysis
6 places only
Apply – Friday 6th June
- One on One coaching to apply the Behavioural Incident Analysis Toolkit to your own work.
- Devise a real-life plan to prevent incident reoccurrence in your organisation.
- Create a strategy to anchor the Sodak Behavioural Incident Analysis technique in your business.
- Become part of the movement. Support better techniques in creating safer, healthier environments to work in.
You will have a different perspective on injuries and incidents and why they happen.
You will be able to use BIA techniques to analyse incidents, applying tried and tested scientific methods.
You will understand what drives human behaviour and how this can be applied to injury prevention.
Your own Behavioural Incident Analysis Toolkit (RRP £250) which contains:
- Exploration tools for understanding situational attributes
- Journey map and situation cartography tool
- An environmental component mapping tool
- Design tools for ‘nudging’ desired behaviour
- A Facilitation and exploration guide
- Behavioural Incident Analysis Technique book
- Full slide deck used in course
Supported application of the techniques to real incidents in your workplace. (Coaching day only)
Bob Cummins
Bob has over 20 years’ behavioural science experience in various sectors. He is the author of Behavioural Science for Business Health and Self and is an advisor to the Cambridge Center for Behavioural Studies in North America.
Paul Lambie
A hands-on design expert, Paul works closely with clients around the world to help businesses understand the power of human behaviour. Paul is a behaviour geek who is constantly exploring the motivations and environments that make people tick.
The Risk Factory
We will be at Edinburgh’s Risk Factory. A purpose-built interactive training centre that will allow us to discuss incidents and their surrounding behaviour in a contextually appropriate environment, making this truly immersive, enabling you to get the most utmost value from the workshop.
WORKSHOP £429 per day
Wednesday 4th &
Thursday 5th June 2019
Friday 6th June 2019
Only 6 places
Applying behavioural science techniques to industry for over 12 years, Sodak works with prominent researchers, scientists and industry leaders to develop successful tools and techniques for improving organisational performance.
Sodak specialise in helping people design better environments to improve performance. We design products and tools that help you implement change for better at home and at work.
Our products are based on the most current and up-to-date research available. We are constantly reviewing, modifying and updating our methods, never standing still and always improving.